Dough to Door @ Indian Oil

Games are a great way to kick-start creative thinking in teams. Skills Café delivered a game-led workshop on creativity and collaboration using the Dough to Door Pizza Delivery game at Indian Oil.

Target Audience

Members of the Learning and Development team in Indian Oil.

Learning Themes
  • Big picture thinking
  • Collaboration and working together
  • Creativity and innovations
Solution and Board Game Overview

Dough to Door is an experiential learning game designed to turbocharge creativity, foster collaboration, and hone group decision-making skills. With a focus on the SCAMPER technique for idea generation, participants are thrust into the dynamic world of pizza delivery, where players navigate four crucial departments: Marketing, Preparation, Packaging, and Service.

Each department is tasked with innovating its processes using the SCAMPER methodology. But here’s the twist: every innovation sends ripples downstream, with both positive and negative consequences. It’s a balancing act where teams must collaborate effectively to enhance processes and products while safeguarding Time, Cost, and Quality benchmarks.

In essence, Dough to Door isn’t just about playing a game; it’s about mastering the art of innovation, teamwork, and strategic thinking in a fast-paced, engaging environment.

Concepts Covered
  • SCAMPER technique
  • Second order thinking and consequences
  • Conflict and collaboration management style

Captivating Moments

Here are a few moments from the board-game led workshop.

Indian Oil - Workshop
Indian Oil - Workshop
Indian Oil - Workshop
Restopia Boardgame at Sterling
Indian Oil - Workshop
Indian Oil - Boardgame

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