Elementor #7820

					console.log( 'Code is Poetry' );


Managers may account for as much as 70% of variance in employee engagement.

Learning Solutions

Transformational Learning Journeys

Beautifully crafted blended and gamified learning journeys that drive measurable talent transformation. Delivered by our stellar facilitators using science-backed and research-informed learning techniques.

Learning Solutions


The power of simulations and the joy of peer-to-peer connection in boardgames come together in our unique BoardSims. Conducted virtually or in-person.

Learning Solutions

Gamified Virtual Training

From delegating better to driving collaboration, 50+ competency mapped game based learning sessions delivered using our unique OIRE approach.

The First Time Manager Program


A flexible, fully gamified and blended learning journey to equip new managers to lead successfully.

Stakeholder Management


A high impact, simulation driven learning journey to manage, engage, persuade, and negotiate with stakeholders.

Rebooting first-time managers program – InMobi's journey

In a partnership with Skills Café, InMobi embarked on an exercise to reboot one of their leadership development programs which helped drive learning engagement and lasting behavioural change. This story was published in the People Matters online magazine.

Success Stories- First time manager training


Development program for high potential individual contributors.


Development program for high potential individual contributors.

Levelling up the behavioural skills of your talent with evidence-informed learning methodologies


Rebooting first-time managers program – InMobi's journey

In a partnership with Skills Café, InMobi embarked on an exercise to reboot one of their leadership development programs which helped drive learning engagement and lasting behavioural change. This story was published in the People Matters online magazine.


Rebooting first-time managers program – InMobi's journey

In a partnership with Skills Café, InMobi embarked on an exercise to reboot one of their leadership development programs which helped drive learning engagement and lasting behavioural change. This story was published in the People Matters online magazine.


Rebooting first-time managers program – InMobi's journey

In a partnership with Skills Café, InMobi embarked on an exercise to reboot one of their leadership development programs which helped drive learning engagement and lasting behavioural change. This story was published in the People Matters online magazine.