Building Managerial Capability at Scale

Case Studies Learning Design

Building Managerial Capability at Scale

The Challenge

How do you develop managerial skills of 11,000 front-line managers spread over 6000 branches and regional offices?

Delivering a front-line manager program virtually and at scale involves solving several complexities including:

  • Delivering highly engaging and interactive learning content virtually
  • Providing a consistent learner experience inspite of connectivity and environmental constraints
  • Ensuring program completion, tracking, measuring and reporting the impact of the learning program to all internal stakeholders 

The Solution

Based on several focus group discussions (FGDs) and findings from organization-wide surveys, the Skills Cafe’ team designed a 3-month blended and gamified learning journey for front-line managers at the Bank. Here is how Skills Cafe’ overcame the challenges:

  • Designed interactive games and group processes for virtual delivery, keeping low bandwidth and poor connectivity in mind.
  • Designed a blended learning journey with pre- and post-workshop activities and evaluated action projects to provide practice and learning transfer opportunities.
  • Gamified the program to ensure high learner engagement and commitment.
  • Deployed the blended and gamified learning journey using the Skills Cafe’ LearningWeaver platform, ensuring a consistent and seamless experience.
  • Interspread reflection and group coaching sessions to ensure high learning transfer.
  • Assigned learning buddies to each cohort to ensure program completion and maintain a connection with the learner throughout the journey.
  • Created in-depth reports and executive summaries to keep project stakeholders informed about the program’s success.

The Impact

The program is currently underway with parallel batches being conducted by 6 facilitators. The feedback scores for this project have been exemplary.

  • The program provided opportunities for practice – 4.8/5
  • The learnings from the program will help me perform better at work – 4.7/5
  • The program content is relevant for application in my current job role – 4.8/5
  • The facilitator made the session very interactive and interesting – 4.9/5

Learner Testimonials

I always thought that only I can provide the solutions, this impacted my team member’s performance, and the productivity was low. The sessions on trust and delegation helped me to take a step forward to allow my team members to explore ideas and suggestions. This has helped my team to be confident and independent to make decisions


One of my team member was low on Will.  I always used the directive approach, and I was not able to get any results. After this program, I started using the participative approach, this helped me to guide the team member and the skill and will is improved. The team is able to bring in new ideas and I am proud of my team. The environment in the branch has changed.


I recently got promoted and I am assigned to be the Supervisor my colleagues. Initially, I received a lot of push back from the team. Post this training, I have learned how to handle my team better and now I am able to help the team understand. The skill/will matrix has me helped a lot.


Gamified and blended first time manager learning journey.

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